Marketing 101 - Are You Looking For a Way to Connect With Current and Potential Customers?

Marketing 101 - Are You Looking For a Way to Connect With Current and Potential Customers?

The line between marketing and sales has blurred. Traditional marketing tactics used to drive traffic and leads to a website include email marketing,  best smm panel , and paid ads. But to close the sale, you need to have a persuasive conversation with the potential buyer. That's why salespeople have teams of people helping them close the deal. That's also why traditional marketing tactics are considered marketing automation.

Marketing automation is a broad term. It can include tools that help you automate your marketing activities across all marketing disciplines including sales, content creation, and email marketing.

This includes software that helps you plan and orchestrate your marketing activity, analyze the results, and improve your performance. It can also include platforms that help you engage with and grow your audience across all social media channels.

Which Platform Should You Use?

To answer this question, you need to decide between two things: your purpose and your goals. Are you looking for a quick and easy way to build a presence on social media or do you want to build a serious long-term business?

If you're just getting started, you can use social media to gain popularity and build a following. The benefits of this option include no cost and the ability to easily distribute your content to the masses.

On the other hand, if you want to build a successful business, you should consider investing in a proprietary communication platform.

Why Should You Buy A Proprietary Platform?

The first and most important reason is that not all social media platforms are created equal. Some are more suitable for marketing than others.

For example, look at the two popular social media platforms for seeing how different they are. Twitter is a great place to share quick pithy statuses while Facebook is more suitable for connecting with long-term friends and family.

You don't necessarily need to choose between the two. You can use both. But you should establish a presence on one of the two first in order to have an effective marketing strategy.

What About Influencers?

You can use influencers to increase brand awareness and drive sales. However, not all influencers are created equal. Some are more suitable than others for this purpose, so you need to do your research before getting started.

You also need to make sure that they're actually influential in your niche. After all, if you're paying for their services, you're basically paying for name-brand recognition. It doesn't matter how good your product is if no one knows about it.

There are many different kinds of influencers. Some are more suitable for certain tasks than others. For example, there are movie and TV stars who are well-known for their influence within the Hollywood community. If you're trying to market a movie, they might be a good option for you. But if you're trying to sell household products, you might want to explore options other than influencers.

At the end of the day, the choice is up to you. But if you want to be able to track the results of your marketing activity, you should choose a platform with robust reporting features.

Key Takeaways

The main takeaway from this section is to examine your own personal and professional goals in relation to marketing. Are you looking for a way to connect with current and potential customers? Or are you looking for a way to grow your business?

Once you know what you're trying to achieve, you can choose the right tools to help you get there. Are you looking for an email marketing platform to help you build a list of subscribers? Or do you want to use a social media platform to gain exposure?

The next step is to pick your poison. Twitter or Facebook? YouTube or Instagram?

With these four platforms, you can do almost everything from marketing. So which one is right for you? That's up to you to figure out. But at least now you have a better idea of which one you should avoid and which one you should rush out and jump into.